Friday, November 26, 2010


The Platonic Academy of Philosophy was the center of humanist study in Florence, Italy. It was found by Cosimo de'Medici in 1462 and supported by his grandson Lorenzo thereafter. The Academy supported Neoplatonism which wanted to achieve the return of Platonic ideas in contemporary culture. Ficino, the head of the academy, after translating Plato and Plotinus into Latin wrote Theologia Platonica. He believed that by studying and learning we could glimpse a higher world of ideas. “Following Plotinus, Ficino conceived of beauty in the things of this world as God's means of making himself manifest to humankind. The contemplation and study of beauty in nature — and in all things — was a form of worship, a manifestation of divine or spiritual love...spiritual love moves beyond the physical to an intellectual plane and, eventually, to such an elevated spiritual level that it results in the soul's union with God.” (Benton and DiYanni 310).
Sandro Botticelli's Birth of Venus, 1528–1530 represents the ideals of the Platonic Academy of Philosophy because the Neoplatonic community believed that it represented the birth of a new human soul, pure and uncorrupted by the world. They also believed that it represented the soul's right to choose their own path. One path being sin and the other being spiritual perfection as shown in the beauty of creation and the love of God.

Works Cited:

Benton, Janetta Rebold, and Robert DiYanni. Arts and Culture: an Introduction to the Humanities. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, 2008. Print.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


In my opinion, tap water is safer than bottled water. A non profit public health advocacy group based in Washington D.C., the environmental working group tested 10 brands of bottled water and found 38 pollutants in them. These included disinfection byproducts, arsenic, fertilizer residue, plasticizers and pharmaceuticals. Low levels of these may be found in tap water. But the scenarios are completely different because with tap water they have to tell you what in it and with bottled water they do not.("New Study Finds Fault With Some Bottled Waters; Tap Water a Better Bet.")

You should consume filtered tap water instead of bottled water. You are getting the same thing either way, water is water. Except that with tap water you know exactly what you are getting and with a bottle it is questionable.("New Study Finds Fault With Some Bottled Waters; Tap Water a Better Bet.") Bottled water also costs fifteen times more and the bottles are just piling up in land fills. In addition to that, bottled water consumes 17 million barrels of oil every year in order to produce the bottles. If we just eliminated bottled water then we wouldn't be so oil hungry. It takes three gallons of water to produce one gallon of bottled water.("What Is The Real Cost Of Bottled Water?" ) Tap water costs less than one cent per gallon. Gasoline costs two cents an ounce. Bottled water is five cents an ounce.(BaskindMon ) Somehow that just seems so wrong to me.

Works Cited
BaskindMon, By Chris. "5 Reasons Not to Drink Bottled Water | MNN - Mother Nature Network." Environmental News and Information | MNN - Mother Nature Network. Web. 22 Sept. 2010. .

"New Study Finds Fault With Some Bottled Waters; Tap Water a Better Bet." Environmental Nutrition 32.1 (2009): 3. Academic Search Premier. EBSCO. Web. 22 Sept. 2010.

"What Is The Real Cost Of Bottled Water?" Popular | Environmental Graffiti. Web. 22 Sept. 2010. .

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Amazing Cockroach!

The American Cockroach is about one and a half inches. They are reddish brown. Roach mouths work vertically, not horizontally like ours. They have six hairy legs and eighteen knees. All American roaches, like most Americans, were immigrants. There is no where on the planet that doesn't have local roaches. In colder climates, however, they survive by shaking up with humans. Roaches can go for a month without eating. They identify other friend and family roaches by their distinctive odor.("Roach Facts.")

A cockroach can hold their breath for 40 minutes. They spend 75 percent of their time just resting. It is possible for a female roach to mate once and then spend the remainder of her life pregnant. Their hearts are nothing but a simple tube with valves that pumps blood forwards and backwards. If the heart stops moving it does not harm the creature. A cockroach can live one week without a head. Even then they only die from lack of water because they have no mouth. Not because they have no head. So it stands to reason that if they had an alternative way to drink water, they could go on forever without a head.("Yucky: Roach Facts.") I doubt that human's will affect the survival of the roach. They are real survivors. Some experts believe that they could survive the fallout of a nuclear war. They also reproduce quickly so I don't think a shoe is any threat to them in the long run.

Works Cited
"Roach Facts." Roach Motel. Web. 08 Sept. 2010.
"Yucky: Roach Facts." The Yuckiest Site on the Internet. Web. 08 Sept. 2010.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Urban Sprawl

Urban sprawl is when a city continues to spread out beyond what it can support. It is the product of affordable land, cars, somewhat inexpensive gasoline, and absent minded urban planning. The lack of mass transportation forces people to drive everywhere, which causes them to emit even more greenhouse gasses than is necessary. Sprawl destroys cropland, wetlands, and forest. On the flip side of the discussion, it causes the economic deaths of many cities as well when people and businesses move further out. What is scariest of all is that while urban populations only occupy 2% of the earth's land area, they consume 75% of her resources.
Smart growth is an alternative method for dealing with urban sprawl in an environmentally sustainable way. It uses zoning laws and other tools to discourage sprawl, reduce traffic, protect important lands and waterways, and develop neighborhoods. A city that takes it one step further to become even more environmentally sustainable is known as an ecocity or a green city. They emphasize the three principles of sustainability which are solar energy, chemical cycling, and biodiversity.
What a city should do to correct this problem is to use these five environmentally-sustainable methods. The city would promote urban gardens and farmer's markets. It would make use of locally available renewable energy resources. They would redesign the city for people instead of cars. The city would have to prevent pollution and reduce waste. At least 60% of municipal solid waste would have to be recycled, reused, or composted.
Miller, George Tyler., and Scott E. Spoolman. Environmental Science. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning, 2010. Print.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

tree metaphore

I see now that the whole thing was nothing more than a branch that had grown off of the tree that was my immense teen angst. When I started pulling away from all that which was not me that died too like fruit from the poisonous tree.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Human Nature

Why is it that we look forward to seeing movies where in you know that everyone is going to die? Slasher films are the new age Colosseum. I have been pondering lately what it is in us that craves that amount of violence. Anyone who has taken roman history just thinks that is so unimaginable. Those people must have been so messed up and sick, right? Well our movies now are so far beyond what they had then. For one think it is dramatized. The directors and writers have the victim get tortured for as long as possible before letting that character go. Saw would be a good example.

On another thought, why is it that all of our scary “monsters” are cannibalistic? i.e. vampires, werewolves, zombies. That all seems a little played out to me. Why do we write entire films on people getting eaten? That seems so strange. Who are the monsters in this world really?